Eights 2022 – Day 1

Racing Time

M1 – 18:15, M2 – 16:15

W1 – 18:45, W2 – 15:45, W3 – 12:45

W3 (-1) Starting with a strong Osler W2 behind meant an early bump, though they did well considering this is first-time racing for vast majority of the ladies.

W2 (0) Clean row ever with happy faces all around. A very good change from Torpids indeed.

M2 (+1) First bump for the boat since 2016 in either Eights or Torpids! The aggressive start earned the crew quick bump on St Anne’s before the Donny bridge.

M1 (0) Steering mistake from Christ Church delivered the boys from the incoming menace. The boat held through with some strong paddling near the end.

W1 (-1) Wadham closed in right before the gut. The cox’s rather late concession might invoke wrath of OURCs… Result still pending as of 11pm

Categorised as Eights