Eights 2022 – Day 3

W3 (-1) A bump by Linacre puts the boat on spoons watch…

W2 (??) Came close to Christ Church before the division was claxoned… Take two tomorrow.

M2 (-1) The boys did come close to John’s in this fateful day between the saints. But it seems like St Peter’s had the gate to blades as well as to heaven. No shame in being bumped by a decent M1 eight though.

M1 (0) Wolfson hovered by but the cox delivered a “phenomenal evasion” per anonymous poster on Oxrow – hurrah! Very good setup for a grand Saturday finale as Keble is again in front after being bumped by Chch…

W1 (0) Solid row over – Keble came nowhere close to them! Fly-and-die is certainly the name of the day tomorrow.

Categorised as Eights